The Essential Rumi New Expanded Edition Jalal alDin Rumi Coleman Barks John Moyne 8601300050393 Books

The Essential Rumi New Expanded Edition Jalal alDin Rumi Coleman Barks John Moyne 8601300050393 Books
Coleman Barks is NOT a translator. It is a fact that he cannot read, write, or speak Persian. He at first plagiarized the translations of other translators, like William Chittick, and later flipped the script and relented by claiming that he is just an Interpreter who “interpreted” others translations (but still prints his books as “translated by...” and gives no credit to the real translators). His interpretations however are white-washed (read the New Yorker article “The Erasure of Islam From The Poetry of Rumi” by Rozina Ali) and do not retain the true essence of Rumi. This book and Westerners’ mania over these translations is like an allegory for colonialism all over again. Invaded, stolen, defiled, and erased.
Tags : The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition [Jalal al-Din Rumi, Coleman Barks, John Moyne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <P>The best-selling Rumi book ever is now better than ever! This revised and expanded edition of the comprehensive one-volume edition of America′s most popular poet includes a new introduction by Coleman Barks, and 57 new poems never published before. </P> <P> The ecstatic, spiritual poetry of Rumi is more popular than ever, and The Essential Rumi continues to be far and away the top-selling title of all Rumi books. With the addition of many new poems and a new introduction, The Essential Rumi is now clearly the definitive, and most delightful selection of Rumi′s poetry.</P>,Jalal al-Din Rumi, Coleman Barks, John Moyne,The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition,HarperOne,0062509594,Comparative Religion,Middle Eastern,Spirituality,Jalaal al-Dain Raumai,Jalal al-Din Rumi - Translations into English,Sufi poetry, Persian,Sufi poetry, Persian - Translations into English,Sufi poetry, Persian;Translations into English.,1207-1273,Ancient & Classical,Indo-Iranian Literature,Islam - Sufi,Jalåal al-Dåin Råumåi,,Maulana,,POETRY Ancient & Classical,POETRY Subjects & Themes Inspirational & Religious,Poetry,Poetry Middle Eastern,Poetry texts & anthologies,PoetrySubjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious,REFERENCE General,RELIGION General,RELIGION Spirituality,Religion Comparative Religion,ReligionIslam - Sufi,Spirituality,Subjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious,Sufi poetry, Persian,Sufi poetry, Persian - Translations into English,Sufi poetry, Persian;Translations into English.,Sufism,The Essential Rumi; Essential Rumi; Rumi; Coleman Barks; Spirituality; Religion; Rumi Poetry; Year With Rumi; A Year With Rumi; Rumi the Book of Love; The Book of Love; Rumi The Big Red Book; The Big Red Book; Book of Love; Big Red Book; The Soul of Rumi; Soul of Rumi; Rumi Soul Fury; Soul Fury; Rumi Bridge To The Soul; Bridge to the Soul; Drowned Book; The Drowned Book; Sufism; Catechisms; Poetry; spirituality; comparative religion; poems; Rumi poems; Rumi Coleman Barks; Rumi books,Translations into English,Ancient & Classical,Islam - Sufi,POETRY Ancient & Classical,POETRY Subjects & Themes Inspirational & Religious,Poetry Middle Eastern,PoetrySubjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious,REFERENCE General,RELIGION General,RELIGION Spirituality,Religion Comparative Religion,ReligionIslam - Sufi,Subjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious,1207-1273,Jalal al-Din Rumi,,Jalåal al-Dåin Råumåi,,Maulana,,Translations into English,Indo-Iranian Literature,Sufism,Poetry,Religion,Poetry texts & anthologies
The Essential Rumi New Expanded Edition Jalal alDin Rumi Coleman Barks John Moyne 8601300050393 Books Reviews
Coleman Barks is a wonderful writer and translator. I wish I could take a writing course of his! My only complaint with this edition is that he uses endnotes for his clarifications, but does not signal in the actual text body (with a superscript number) what he's expounding. This would've been nice for the academic user. But don't let that stop you. Everything from the quality of the translation to the quality of the hardback books is phenomenal. Purchase away!
This is my desert island book. Hands down.
Buy it. Just buy it.
I met Coleman last year. He's a sweet guy.
It was incredible to thank a person I'd admired for so long. Because of this very book.
Seriously. I read from this at my brother's wedding.
Buy it. It changed my life.
I discovered there are people out there who think like me. Across time and space.
Support his poetry career by purchasing this,
"Was this man from several centuries ago, a modern teenage or young woman? Because he has seen into my heart!"--Girl in my World Literature class who was definitely not wrong about this description. Rumi is able to transcend age, gender, religion, and time. I cannot say enough good things about the poems in this collection and even my mom who is not interested in poetry/literature was in awe at the poems and words. While I had ordered this for class, I can see myself reading them for many years to come.
Something that you guys may find helpful is something my professor said, having taught Rumi for a decade or so "Read Rumi at certain intervals in your life, and you will find that the poems that impacted you in one way, will change into something meaningful in your current life. Continue to read Rumi and you will be inspired."
Rumi is well known. Not sure what to add other than please read if you haven’t already. Lovers of language, beauty, philosophy or any combination thereof would be hard pressed to find more insightful precise enchanting delicious poetry. Read...pause in in Repeat as often as needed until you soul is full.
From what I have been able to figure out, this is THE Rumi book to have. 388 pages of poetry (ok, 388 pages does include intro, index, etc.) And even some recipes in the back. This book is what I was hoping it would be. If you want to read Rumi and don't know where to start, I suggest starting with this book!
Before you buy this, research Coleman Barks. He doesn't read Farsi and therefore can't translate it, and he says that Rumi came to him in a dream with new poetry.
I was introduced to Rumi in a college Religion course on mysticism, and fell in love with the depth found in the simplicity of his words. I now use this book as a "Magic 8-Ball" of sorts...if I have a problem, I flip through it and stop at random, and read through Rumi's answer for me. His poetry is beautiful and his wisdom leaps off the page into your heart "you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop," "maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots," are only a few of my favorites.
Coleman Barks is NOT a translator. It is a fact that he cannot read, write, or speak Persian. He at first plagiarized the translations of other translators, like William Chittick, and later flipped the script and relented by claiming that he is just an Interpreter who “interpreted” others translations (but still prints his books as “translated by...” and gives no credit to the real translators). His interpretations however are white-washed (read the New Yorker article “The Erasure of Islam From The Poetry of Rumi” by Rozina Ali) and do not retain the true essence of Rumi. This book and Westerners’ mania over these translations is like an allegory for colonialism all over again. Invaded, stolen, defiled, and erased.

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