Exit Strategy The Murderbot Diaries eBook Martha Wells

Exit Strategy The Murderbot Diaries eBook Martha Wells
The story is five stars, if you've read all four novellas. Shame on the publisher and the author for putting a one volume mass market paperback into four 'books' and delivering the last three I read in hardcover. I usually wait these out and get the paperback down the line and should have this time. The four parts all came out close enough together that they could have been sold as one volume with four parts or chapters. It feels like being unnecessarily squeezed. I don't write reviews often and I read a lot of books, but this one needs to be called out. The background of the story has money grubbing corporations that treat people like property and product. Ironic isn't it?
Tags : Exit Strategy: The Murderbot Diaries - Kindle edition by Martha Wells. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Exit Strategy: The Murderbot Diaries.,ebook,Martha Wells,Exit Strategy: The Murderbot Diaries,Tor.com,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Science Fiction - Hard Science Fiction,460105 Tor.com Imprint Hardcover,Artificial intelligence,Computer Applications,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,FictionScience Fiction - Hard Science Fiction,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,Robots,SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Science Fiction - Hard Science Fiction,Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,Science fiction.,United States,murder bot series; murder robot series; science fiction robot series; hard science fiction series; sci fi novella series; science fiction novella series; science fiction artificial intelligence; science fiction ai; artificial intelligence fiction; robot fiction; science fiction robots; science fiction novellas; short science fiction books; science fiction short stories; short sci fi story; hard science fiction; realistic science fiction; hard sci fi; hard scifi; amazon best books of the year; best sci fi 2018; hudson booksellers best books of the year; library journal best books of the year,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,FictionScience Fiction - Hard Science Fiction,Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,Fiction
Exit Strategy The Murderbot Diaries eBook Martha Wells Reviews
I have now finished the final book in the Muderbot series. My first reaction is Boohoo. Surely Ms Wells can't just end the series. She should go on like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and write the daylights out of this concept.
What I love about this series is the droll narrative of the main character as we watch her (it?) evolve. Muderbot is not the homicidal construct she thinks she is. She really doesn't dislike people. Emotions and interpersonal relationships simply terrify her. How many cyborgs can say that?
Want a shoot 'em up story? Wells give it to you in spades. Want a story with characters that you can relate to? Up that hand to aces.
This has been a great read (& I seldom gush over a book). As I said before, I hope Muderbot (or Rin) returns for an encore or several.
I love all the Murderbot Diaries. and I recommend them all. But this one... the last in this set of Novella's (rumor is a novel is coming) has a special place in my heart because this is the book where the band gets back together and that's always awesome if its done right and Martha Wells did it right. Which is hard to do when the main character is a cyborg with social anxiety disorder. Highly Recommend *after* you've read the other three books, All Systems Red, Artificial Condition and Rogue Protocol.
Worth every penny.
Exit Strategy is the final episode in a four part series of novellas set in the fairly far future that follows the actions of a security unit that is rented out to whoever can pay their high fees by a large and immoral corporation. He/she is basically a cloned human mind/body without sexual/reproductive capacities augmented with advanced electronic processing and sensors overlaid with armor and built in weapon systems. The initial outing detailed in All Systems Red(Murderbot #1) opens with our hero/ine in the initial stage of self discovery as she/he has disabled their governor unit and becomes in essence a free agent. This process is entwined with threats to the group of humans she/he has been tasked to protect, a directive that remains as a strong drive even with her/his freedom from electronic override established. These sympathetic humans take Murderbot under their wing and do their best to treat him/her as a fully fledged individual even though Murderbother/her/himself is still struggling with the concept. By novella's end she/he decides to leave their proffered home and strike out on his/her own. Artificial Condition(#2) and Rogue Protocol(#3) follow Murderbot as she/he travels various space lanes by hopping rides with friendly ship AI's, trading them video downloads from various mass market TV shows for passage making good friends and learning further skills along the way. He/she continues her/his personal growth while also investigating the corporations involved in the skullduggery depicted in the first novella. She/he also goes out of his/her way to protect innocent(and to Murderbot often infuriating) humans that cross his/her path.
Exit Strategy(#4) brings to a crescendo the search for self discovery and the murderous actions of the nefarious corporations allied against her/him and the friends he/she has made. The fast pacing is near continuous, combining furious action and painful self realization concerning the emotions afflicting Murderbot as a newly birthed, feeling human being.
I've tried most of Martha Well's works and find this is my personal favorite combining excellent world building, fully fleshed, sympathetic characters and masterful writing leavened with humor. Expensive, but, I have to admit, worth the price.
Hack, as in I wish I didn't like the character and writing enough to pay the exorbitant price for this series of short stories that combined make one novel.
See usury.
Also, for the love of code, dosen't anybody or anything in Wells' world know the meaning of firewall. Murderbot simply hacks anything and everything at will in order to win, surely someone in the greedy, usurous, evil corporate world would expect this and take countermeasures? Nope.
Hack and win.
And hack me into getting interested enough to pay four times what the cost rightfully should be.
Did I mention usurous?
Everybody gets 5 stars for showing up in the classroom. Everywriter gets 5 stars from indiscriminate fanpeople. Well, I'm holding a good writer to a stricter standard. And Exit Strategy barely gets 3 stars based on that standard.
I do like Murderbot. I'm interested in the universe Wells is building. I'm less interested in the mercenary pricing for little bits of story that Well and her publisher have pursued in the first segments of Murderbot's story.
There is no real advancement of worldbuilding in Exit Strategy. More corporate villains lurk waiting for their comeuppance. Murderbot herself is still growing, learning what motivates her. Wells has created a great character, a great plot, if only that plot wasn't described and boundried by the money she and her publisher could suck out of a readership keen to enjoy Really Good Stories.
Since I really wanted to know how Murderbot's arc played out, I paid an exorbitant amount to read ES. I will not pay an exorbitant amount to follow Murderbot's further adventures.
The story is five stars, if you've read all four novellas. Shame on the publisher and the author for putting a one volume mass market paperback into four 'books' and delivering the last three I read in hardcover. I usually wait these out and get the paperback down the line and should have this time. The four parts all came out close enough together that they could have been sold as one volume with four parts or chapters. It feels like being unnecessarily squeezed. I don't write reviews often and I read a lot of books, but this one needs to be called out. The background of the story has money grubbing corporations that treat people like property and product. Ironic isn't it?

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