Bulfinch Mythology The Age of Fable Courage Classics v 1 Thomas Bulfinch 9780894718816 Books

Bulfinch Mythology The Age of Fable Courage Classics v 1 Thomas Bulfinch 9780894718816 Books
While the contents of the book are wonderful, this edition is printed in such tiny text it is impossible to read. Purchase another edition and enjoy the stories.
Tags : Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable (Courage Classics) (v. 1) [Thomas Bulfinch] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The mid-nineteenth-century classic furnishes retellings of major Greek, Roman, Norse, and Eastern myths,Thomas Bulfinch,Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable (Courage Classics) (v. 1),Courage Books,0894718819,1000940196,General,Mythology, Classical.,Mythology.,Folklore,History & Surveys - Ancient & Classical,Mythology,Mythology, Classical,Myths & mythology,Religion,Religion General,Sale Adult - Literature - Classics & Contemporary,Sale Books,Literature: FolkloreMythology
Bulfinch Mythology The Age of Fable Courage Classics v 1 Thomas Bulfinch 9780894718816 Books Reviews
I enjoyed reading this book, just a few sections at a time. It isn't something I'd want to sit down and read cover to cover. The subject matter was interesting, and I loved reading different twists on the traditional stories. It was slow at the beginning, and I wasn't sure I would finish reading it, but it picked up as I got into the tone of it. Some of the parables (for lack of a better word) were silly, but I imagine the adventures during chivalrous times were pretty tame compared to the modern stories we're accustomed to reading. There's not a dragon to slay in every cave, but apparently every cave had a hermit who could offer a place to stay and some sage advice.
Beautifully bound book, provides an interesting perspective of Greek and Roman mythology as well as other ancient European stories. Still going through it and am looking forward to reading about Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
I went to Catholic school and this book was on the shelf reserved for older students. I had a fascination for mythology, reading other books in the library on Greek, Norse, and Celtic mythology. When I was old enough to read Bulfinch, I remember it as being a good read.
Oh, but it is not a good read, nor is it well written. The point of view changes back and forth among second person, third person, and third person omniscient often within the same page. Major portions of important myths are dispensed with using a sentence or two.
The author goes above and beyond to dismiss all contained as myth, "unlike Christianity." Whatever your religious viewpoint, this dismissal of the myths being told is repeated well past the point of annoyance, as if the author were afraid of being excommunicated were it not repeated every fifth page.
It does provide some Arthurian legends that are not easily located elsewhere.
I read this book in high school and loved it. I loved it so much I went around shopping for a copy. I unfortunately couldn't find the same edition as the one from high school, but this is just as good and damn gorgeous to look at. I'm in love all over again.
It's a good collection and Gathering of Miss. But the reading of the book maybe a little dry and boring for some. It's not set out so much as a storytelling but as an information-based of this happens then this happens in the net happens and so forth and so on. But it's good information. Plus it's a solid hardback book
We've had this book for a long time, and it is a much-loved and much-used part of our library. Unfortunately, our old copy has seen better days, so it was time for a new one.
This is THE go-to symposium of Greek myth, and also covers a great deal of Norse mythos as well.
Naturally Greek and Roman mythology is not preached today and, because of this, there are many different versions to nearly all the myths you have ever heard and read. Bulfinch includes the most popular versions and tells it in a way that is very entertaining. That being said, Bulfinch didn't actually write the majority of the book; he copies scenes, passages, and, sometimes, even entire stories from Ovid's "Metamorphoses."
Furthermore, Bulfinch's approach is affected by the time period (mid 1800s), social norms, and his own personal opinion; he often slides in his own comments which leads the reader to doubt that he's telling the entire story-- and most of the time, he doesn't tell the whole story. He manages to exclude a lot of the sexual activity of the gods (which anyone who knows anything about mythology knows that the gods are always having affairs... ALWAYS) and insinuates that the gods were just spending time with one another. He also leaves out some of the gory details which are imperative in most stories; he glides over important scenes and repeatedly spends time explaining unimportant scenes instead.
Nevertheless, it's a good read if you're looking for an introductory book about Roman and Greek mythology but keep in mind that these stories have many plot variations, just because it's in this book doesn't mean it's a fact. Once you've read this, I encourage you to read Ovid's "Metamorphoses;" Ovid is relaxed and comedic-some of his stories are told more for the entertaining factor than correctness, but it's still a very good, enjoyable read.
I hope this helped!
-K. J. Burks
While the contents of the book are wonderful, this edition is printed in such tiny text it is impossible to read. Purchase another edition and enjoy the stories.

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