Renegades Marissa Meyer Books

Renegades Marissa Meyer Books
Rating: 4.5I totally understand when readers feel alienated or disappointed when a beloved author from a favorite series moves on and does something not *quite* up their alley. Really-- I do. But I feel like Renegades preemptively got a lot of mediocre/negative feedback that was unwarranted because it was being held up to the Lunar Chronicles and Heartless. In all honesty, it's why I didn't read this when it first came out a bit ago; I saw a lot of "meh" things online and figured I could wait. Now, I'm only glad I waited because it'll be a month or two shorter to wait for the release of the second book in November 2018.
I found Renegades to be a thoughtful book that really manages to find a unique perspective into a discussion on political and social apathy. When Nova and Adrian have discussions on the "normal" people left and how prodigies have only hurt society as a whole by fixing or by causing major issues, it really felt like Meyer had found a new, interesting way of bringing up these conversations through an extended analogy of heroes and villains.
I found Nova's character believable and thought she was well-developed; Adrian wasn't my favorite love interest ever and I found the attraction between them overstated at times, but *shrug*. Not a deal breaker. And I'm assuming we'll get more on some of the more fascinating side characters in the next installment. Nova's process of puzzling out morality and ethics and teasing apart what defines "good guys" and "bad guys" alike throughout the course of Renegades felt very real in an exploratory, engaging way; I kept expecting trite, predictable turns (oh, but of course it was actually this character who did this bad deed and the good guys really are good, so everything is fine! status quo yay!) but Meyer turned away from them at every possible opportunity.
I thought this was a really promising beginning to a new series and I'd highly recommend it as a fast-paced, hard-to-put-down kind of read.

Tags : Renegades (9781250180636): Marissa Meyer: Books,Marissa Meyer,Renegades,Square Fish,1250180635,Science Fiction - General,Superheroes,Revenge;Fiction.,Superheroes;Fiction.,Supervillains;Fiction.,242901 Square Fish TP,Action & Adventure General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction-Superheroes,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Science Fiction General,TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Superheroes,Young Adult FictionAction & Adventure - General,Young Adult FictionSuperheroes,science fiction for teens; young adult science fiction; science fiction books for teens; teen science fiction; ya science fiction; science fiction teens; science fiction young adults; young adult science fiction books; teen superhero; teen superheroes; super hero; young adult superhero; young adult superheroes; action and adventure books; secret identities; adventure stories; superhero teen; superhero young adult; superhero teens; superheroes young adult; teen superhero books; teen superhero novels; young adult superhero books; young adult superhero novels; Marissa Mayer; Marissa Myer; Marisa Meyer; Marisa Mayer; Marisa Myer; YA superhero books; best adventure books for teens; best YA adventure books; best action packed YA; YA books with lots of action; YA series about superheroes; superhero book; supervillain book,science fiction for teens; young adult science fiction; science fiction books for teens; teen science fiction; ya science fiction; science fiction teens; science fiction young adults; young adult science fiction books; teen superhero; teen superheroes; young adult superhero; young adult superheroes; action and adventure books; secret identities; adventure stories; superhero teen; superhero young adult; superhero teens; superheroes young adult; teen superhero books; teen superhero novels; young adult superhero books; young adult superhero novels; super hero; Marissa Mayer; Marissa Myer; Marisa Meyer; Marisa Mayer; Marisa Myer; YA superhero books; best adventure books for teens; best YA adventure books; best action packed YA; YA books with lots of action; YA series about superheroes; superhero book; supervillain book
Renegades Marissa Meyer Books Reviews
I am surprised to say I actually really enjoyed this. There seemed to be a lot of mixed or mediocre reviews out there when it released so I can’t say I was expecting much either, but I thought Meyer did an excellent job of weaving this story together.
First, I love that the two MCs story lines mirror each other. They both have doubts. They both want to make the world a better place. Yet they fight on opposite sides.
There is a lot of moral grayness to spread in this plot. It’s not as cut and dry as good vs. evil. I think Meyer’s choice to call the “good” guys “Renegades” was very interesting. I personally had a negative association with the word and expected the Renegades to be the bad guys, but there’s no doubt that there is an even more negative connotation with the word Anarchists. I think this sort of sums up the plot line. It’s ambiguous. It leaves you to draw your own conclusions.
This is a book about superheroes so it seems cliche sometimes and definitely campy at times but I feel like it worked to the benefit of the theme? Like this is the one time where corny, cliche and campy are acceptable? (I’m sorry if I’m offending hardcore comic book/superhero fans out there- please note I’m not judging the genre, but I do enjoy those things about it. I’ll even admit to liking George Clooney’s Batman better then Christian Bale’s because it never took itself seriously. Or it did and it was hilarious anyway. There. Now you can officially discount this entire paragraph.)
There is a twist at the end that I totally pegged about half way through the book... BUT I still didn’t expect it to end the way that it did. I loved the ending. I think the ending was the best part because it defied all my expectations of what I’ve come to associate with the YA genre.
So if you were hesitating because of the reviews I personally thought it was a fun, easy read. I will definitely pick up book 2.
An action packed, riveting read. RENEGADES is not your classic super heroes vs villains story. In true Marissa Meyer fashion, she delivers a thrilling read that will make you question who the real villains are and what makes a real super hero. She blurs the lines flawlessly between villains and superheroes, making it hard to choose between the two. This is no cookie cutter super heroes vs villains story. It's a fantastic, highly addicting story that will leave you wanting more!
Told from both Nova and Adrian's points of views really added depth and a much needed different perspective for this story. It was incredibly easy to tell when the point of views in the story telling changed. Honestly, I don't think this story would have been as good if it had been told any other way. The dual story telling not only allows readers to get to know both characters better, you get to see more of societies within both the Renegades side, and the Anarchists. It's fascinating to see how they're both governed, and who makes up the heroes and villains in this story.
Nova and Adrian were incredibly easy for me to like. I felt like I understood both of them. From the choices they made, to Nova's want for vengeance, and Adrian's want for justice. The more I got to know them, the more I realized they're not that different. They both have a lot at stake though. I understood their reasons for being on the opposites of the law. It wasn't hard for me love these two characters despite all they have working against them. I definitely felt like their story is a mix of Romeo & Juliet, meets your favorite superheroes story, meets something entirely knew, and given the perfect Marissa Meyer twist.
The characters in Renegades are AWESOME! They were more than just villains and super heroes. They are characters who became larger than their own stories. It was incredibly easy to understand their motives, their choices, their feelings, and understand who they were, and who they became by the end of the story. I absolutely loved getting to know each of the characters in this book. Though in true Marissa Meyer fashion, there's so much more to come with these characters. I have a feeling there's a lot more shocking secrets and twists that will be revealed as this series continues.
The setting is awesome! I absolutely loved the Renegade world, because it's complex. It's a world that is full of conflict, fighting, danger, and yet full of hope. It's a world that makes you question a lot of things that happen. Similar to it's plot line, is complicated, twisted, and full of surprises. Trust me, this world is a character all it's own, and adds so much to this story. I loved the action, the electrifying character chemistry, and the unlikely friendships at the heart of this story.
This book full of incredible characters, shocking twists, fantastic world building, and includes entertaining story telling. One of my favorite reads of this year, RENEGADES is a fast paced, highly addicting, adrenaline rush of a read. Don't let the page count fool you. With all that happens in this story, you'll find you won't be able to put this book down once you start reading.
Rating 4.5
I totally understand when readers feel alienated or disappointed when a beloved author from a favorite series moves on and does something not *quite* up their alley. Really-- I do. But I feel like Renegades preemptively got a lot of mediocre/negative feedback that was unwarranted because it was being held up to the Lunar Chronicles and Heartless. In all honesty, it's why I didn't read this when it first came out a bit ago; I saw a lot of "meh" things online and figured I could wait. Now, I'm only glad I waited because it'll be a month or two shorter to wait for the release of the second book in November 2018.
I found Renegades to be a thoughtful book that really manages to find a unique perspective into a discussion on political and social apathy. When Nova and Adrian have discussions on the "normal" people left and how prodigies have only hurt society as a whole by fixing or by causing major issues, it really felt like Meyer had found a new, interesting way of bringing up these conversations through an extended analogy of heroes and villains.
I found Nova's character believable and thought she was well-developed; Adrian wasn't my favorite love interest ever and I found the attraction between them overstated at times, but *shrug*. Not a deal breaker. And I'm assuming we'll get more on some of the more fascinating side characters in the next installment. Nova's process of puzzling out morality and ethics and teasing apart what defines "good guys" and "bad guys" alike throughout the course of Renegades felt very real in an exploratory, engaging way; I kept expecting trite, predictable turns (oh, but of course it was actually this character who did this bad deed and the good guys really are good, so everything is fine! status quo yay!) but Meyer turned away from them at every possible opportunity.
I thought this was a really promising beginning to a new series and I'd highly recommend it as a fast-paced, hard-to-put-down kind of read.

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