CARNAL The Beast Who Loved Me EXILED Book 1 eBook Victoria Danann

CARNAL The Beast Who Loved Me EXILED Book 1 eBook Victoria Danann
I was so sad to finish this book. What will I do now? The world is still revolving and I am here with so many raw emotions. I've read all of Victoria Danann's books and loved them all. Knowing Rosie and her parents, like old friends, I was frustrated when she and Glen didn't work out but, although she physically appears to be a woman and has her parent's combined memories, Rosie is only 14 months old. She needed time to mature and become herself. She decided to take a break from her current life and was supported by Kellareal who took her to a society in which hybrid humans protect humans from other more aggressive hybrids. She works in the community and comes to be respected as an advisor to the Extant, their leader and her current host family. Carnal is the son of the Extant and initially appears to be trouble. He is physically impressive but he and Rosie are drawn to each other on a much deeper level. He has a strong devotion to his family and job. He teaches her that performing the necessary work of a leader does not negate his love for her. In the back of my mind, I kept saying "What about Glen?" but couldn't help but share her love for Carnal. Carnal accepted her and didn't try to change her . He acknowledged her fear of losing him when he had to work but helped her to know that turning away from his calling was not in him. With Carnal, Rosie understood his decision and loved him enough to accept it. At the end, I was left feeling a lot of different emotions but disappointed was not one of them.
Tags : CARNAL: The Beast Who Loved Me (EXILED Book 1) - Kindle edition by Victoria Danann. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading CARNAL: The Beast Who Loved Me (EXILED Book 1).,ebook,Victoria Danann,CARNAL: The Beast Who Loved Me (EXILED Book 1),dba 7th House, Imprint of Andromeda LLC,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Fiction Romance Science Fiction
CARNAL The Beast Who Loved Me EXILED Book 1 eBook Victoria Danann Reviews
Okay, I've been tricked... into starting another series! I don't know how important it is to have read all of the books in the Black Swan series before you enjoy this one - I've already read them so I know the background. Knowing all of that makes this one just one more in the series of really good reads from Victoria Danann. No, this one doesn't claim to be part of the Black Swan series, it's the EXILED series but there are plenty of references to things that come from the other series.
Frankly, I admire the way the author ties it all together yet gives us a complete story line all its own. I am limited to 5 stars so that's all it gets but if there were more, this one would get them. Well, maybe I should give it a minus 5 because of the ending but that would be frustration at the way it turned out, not a comment on the book. The real truth? When she pre-announces Book 2, I will pre-order.
I love all of the Black Swan books. With that said, this one was slightly different as in reading it I thought that something just wasn't right, the writing was up to Victoria's standards, wonderful character development, great scene descriptions. Just didn't feel that Rosie belonged in this world. And she didn't. While greatly saddened at the ending, there was never a promise of a HEA. But it did end with a promise of a possible new beginning for Rosie in the next book. If you have kept up with the Black Swan series then this is a wonderful addition. If you haven't read the series I might suggest going back and getting the back story that takes you up to the time when this story takes place as you will enjoy it far more.
I have always been a fan of Ms Danann, and all of her books, especially the Order of the Black Swan. As with all of her previous books, I was hooked within minutes of reading. I spent the better part of the day transfixed by this book and only put it down when I absolutely had too. As I sit here thinking of how to best write this review without giving into anything, words escape me. I can count on one hand and going thru thousands of stories I have read to say with absolute certainty that this is one a whole other level of intensity then most. I am still reeling thru the emotions this story left me with but I truly feel this is one of those that will forever stay in your mind. I encourage those who have not yet read from Ms Danann to begin ASAP. My anxiety will be driving me crazy waiting for the follow up but I know it will be worth the wait.
Love the world building of this author. I have read her whole Black Swan series and have come to expect the unexpected from her. This is paranormal after all. But this book....W..T..F..! So not what I was thinking I was going to get! I can't even give you much more than this without giving things away.
This is about Rosie Storm and her snit fit after Glenn broke her heart and chose the Black Swan team over her. Her "angel" guardian squirrels her away to his secret project location. He saved a group of humans and hybrids--interfering---when he shouldn't have. He figures Rosie will be safe here.
Just like going back in time can change things in the present, so can introducing a demon/witch hybrid to a new realm. Chaos is sure to follow.
On the up side, Rosie grows and matures. She finds value in someone other than herself. On the down side, there is a serious mind twist you will not see coming! I am still reeling! It will help you a lot if you have read the rest of the series first before jumping in to this one. You better write fast Victoria. I need the next book SOON!!
I was so sad to finish this book. What will I do now? The world is still revolving and I am here with so many raw emotions. I've read all of Victoria Danann's books and loved them all. Knowing Rosie and her parents, like old friends, I was frustrated when she and Glen didn't work out but, although she physically appears to be a woman and has her parent's combined memories, Rosie is only 14 months old. She needed time to mature and become herself. She decided to take a break from her current life and was supported by Kellareal who took her to a society in which hybrid humans protect humans from other more aggressive hybrids. She works in the community and comes to be respected as an advisor to the Extant, their leader and her current host family. Carnal is the son of the Extant and initially appears to be trouble. He is physically impressive but he and Rosie are drawn to each other on a much deeper level. He has a strong devotion to his family and job. He teaches her that performing the necessary work of a leader does not negate his love for her. In the back of my mind, I kept saying "What about Glen?" but couldn't help but share her love for Carnal. Carnal accepted her and didn't try to change her . He acknowledged her fear of losing him when he had to work but helped her to know that turning away from his calling was not in him. With Carnal, Rosie understood his decision and loved him enough to accept it. At the end, I was left feeling a lot of different emotions but disappointed was not one of them.

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